"If you have a problem with your brother, [tell him to his face]." -The Bible [paraphrased]
Got issues with someone at work? Don't hide behind a text or an email. Here's why:
If you have an issue with someone, talk it out. Confront the person about the issue early; don't wait days, weeks, or even months, this will only intensify the issue. Also, never confront a person with whom you have an issue via email. When someone reads your words, they may receive the message differently than if they hear the words from your own mouth. They also miss the opportunity to see your facial expressions and the body language which go along with the message.
There is nothing like meeting with a person face-to-face to resolve an issue. Talking it out live ensures clear communication and increases your chance of reaching a mutually acceptable resolution. If you can't meet face-to-face due to distance, then certainly pick up the phone. However, either way, meet early and talk it out live.